18/11/2021 - It's in the water and the weather was amazing: hardly any wind & lots of sun! Couldn't have asked for better. The pics are fairly self-explanatory so I haven't captioned them! Click on the first one to enlarge it, then you can click 'next' to go through them in (hopefully) the right order. The last one is her maiden voyage!
11/11/2021 - Celtic Fringe will be going in the water on Wednesday 17th November! I do believe it is finally sinking in - i.e. the waiting is nearly over, the cranes and lorry and wharf are all booked...
Here's hoping for a not-too-unpleasant day for it!
20/10/2021 - As I write this, it is a blustery day in the second half of October 2021. Celtic Fringe is nearly ready. Today there should be new photos and maybe a completion date... We are fast approaching the time when we will, at last, be out cruising the inland waterways.
All images & designs are © Celtic Fringe Crafts 2021