Shop Jewellery

Earrings are more or less in alphabetical order!


Bells E1

£ 5 


Black Felt Flowers E2

£ 5 


Blue Glass Beads E5

£ 5 


Blue Wire E6

£ 5 


Clear Glass E25

£ 5 


Denim Cables E33

£ 7.50 


Denim Lace E8

£ 7.50 


Denim Lace 2 E32

£ 7.50 


Hand Bags E11

£ 5 


Golden Bobbles E34

£ 7.50 


Mottled Turquoise Felt E12

£ 5 


Multi-colour Beads E13

£ 5 


Mussel Shells - Silver wires E14

£ 7.50 


Pale Blue Flowers E19

£ 5 


Red Felt Balls & Beads E22

£ 5 


Red Flowers E31

£ 5 


Red Glass Long E23

£ 5 


Red Glass round E24

£ 5 


Silk Coccoons & Glass - blue E26

£ 7.50 


Swansdown E27

£ 5 


Tropical Beads E28

£ 5 


Wheels E29

£ 7.50 


Wooden Stoppers E30

£ 5 


Yellow & Orange Beads E18

£ 5 


Currants E35

£ 5 


Navy & orange Felt Flowers E36

£ 5 


Redcurrants E38

£ 5 


Spring Beads E39

£ 5 


And if you're on a mobile, the brooches are after the earrings and the necklaces are after the brooches!


Blue Felt B2

£ 8 


Blue-green Rolag B3

£ 8 


Cream Rolag B4

£ 8 


Mini B6

£ 5 


Pink Rolag B7

£ 8 


Wacky Washing Line B8

£ 10 

Necklaces & Pendants

Blue Felt Yarn N1

£ 8 


Blue & White Wheel Pendant N2

£ 10 


Green Felt Flowers N3

£ 10 


Green Rolag, Cord & Felt N4

£ 10 


Red & Blue Felt N5

£ 8 


Red & Grey Wheel Pendant N6

£ 10 


Yellow Beads & Felt Balls N10

£ 10 


Sea Glass & Silver Wire N11

£ 15